Rockin Pets Foundation has completed our fourth annual Pet Holiday Donation Box drive and it was a HUGE success! All of the pet donations have been delivered.
Thank you to all the donors for their donations and the 18 pet establishments and organizations in the Los Angeles and Phoenix areas for allowing us to set up our holiday donation boxes. Through their efforts, we were able to support 8 animal shelters/charities/rescue groups in the greater Los Angeles and Phoenix, AZ areas, as well as help the dogs/cats of skid row. We look forward to continuing the annual holiday donation drive and would appreciate the support of volunteers. Please contact us to donate your services.
Rockin Pets Foundation 2016 3rd Annual Pet Holiday Donation Boxes
Rockin Pets Foundation 2015 2nd Annual Pet Holiday Donation Boxes
Rockin Pets Foundation 2014 1st Annual Pet Holiday Donation Boxes
These seven charities, rescues and shelters were the beneficiaries of our donors' benevolence
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization, Tax EIN#46-3666335. Your contributions are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For additional info or questions please contact:
Los Angeles County
*Donations will be given to:
South L.A. Animal Shelter,
Carson Animal Shelter,
Feral Cats Caretakers’ Coalition,
Ghetto Rescue FFoundation,
Catmandoo Rescue,
Long Beach Golden State Humane Society, and Rockin Pets Foundation
Orange County